Process of Applying PUKACO Concrete Paint on Existing Paint:

Process of Applying PUKACO Concrete Paint on Existing Paint: - son hoa van,sơn giả bê tông,sơn bê tông,sơn tường giả bê tông,son tuong gia be tong,son gia be tong,sơn gỉ sắt,sơn gỉ sét,son gi sat,son gi set,son ri set,sơn hiệu ứng bê tông,sơn tường bê tông

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1. Surface Preparation: Ensure the existing paint layer is clean, dry, and free from peeling paint. Repair damaged areas and sand the surface to create a smooth finish.
2. Application of PUKACO Concrete Base Coat: Use a rust-free thin blade spatula to apply PUKACO Concrete Paint thinly and smoothly. Work in small sections and layer to achieve a smooth and even finish.
3. Second Coat: Apply additional layers of PUKACO Concrete Paint (as desired) and let each layer dry completely before applying the next. This process creates depth and texture in the final result.
4. Protective Coating: To protect and enhance the finish, apply a protective Gel PUKACO designed for PUKACO  Concrete Paint. Follow the product instructions for application and drying time.

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