How to apply effect paint for floors?

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Pukaco04/03/2024512 View
—> Nowadays, more and more constructions are using high-quality Effect Paints such as  PUKACO Concrete Paint or dinaco Clay Paint for flooring due to their aesthetic beauty, flexibility, durability, seamless appearance, and artistic expression they provide. To apply PUKACO/dinaco Effect Paint for flooring, follow these steps:

8.1 Surface Preparation:
• Thoroughly clean the floor to remove dust, dirt, and any pollutants.
• Repair any cracks or imperfections on the floor surface.

8.2 Base Layer:
• Use Perfect/Ultra Perfect PUKACO specialized for flooring to evenly coat the floor.
• Allow the base layer to dry completely.

8.3 Application of Effect Paint:
• Use Perfect/Ultra Perfect PUKACO specialized for flooring to apply successive layers of paint.  Work in small  sections, letting each part dry before moving on to the next.
• Vary the pressure and angle of the sprayer to create textured and deep effects for the paint layer.
• Apply additional layers if necessary for a thicker result.
• Ensure each layer dries completely before applying the next.

8.4 Apply Specialized Seal for Flooring:
• Once satisfied with the result of the Effect Paint layer, wait for it to dry completely.
• Apply a clear sealant to protect the structure and enhance durability.
• Optionally, polish the surface for a smoother finish.

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