How are Terra+ Clay and Eco Clay by dinaco different?

How are Terra+ Clay and Eco Clay by dinaco different? - son hoa van,sơn giả bê tông,sơn bê tông,sơn tường giả bê tông,son tuong gia be tong,son gia be tong,sơn gỉ sắt,sơn gỉ sét,son gi sat,son gi set,son ri set,sơn hiệu ứng bê tông,sơn tường bê tông

Pukaco04/03/2024554 View
—> Key differences between Terra+ Clay and Eco Clay by dinaco are:
1. Paint Composition: Eco Clay has a denser, softer, and more velvety paint texture, while Terra+ Clay has a thinner paint composition.
2. Finish Layer: Terra+ Clay has a thin, refined finish that highlights the surface structure. In contrast, Eco Clay aims for a higher level of textural irregularities, resembling natural clay surfaces, enhancing the rustic and organic feel with creases and wrinkles

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