Is it mandatory to apply 2 layers of PUKACO protective gel for exterior use?
Is it mandatory to apply 2 layers of PUKACO protective gel for exterior use? - son hoa van,sơn giả bê tông,sơn bê tông,sơn tường giả bê tông,son tuong gia be tong,son gia be tong,sơn gỉ sắt,sơn gỉ sét,son gi sat,son gi set,son ri set,sơn hiệu ứng bê tông,sơn tường bê tông
Pukaco04/03/2024418 View
—> Refer to the answer in question 16. When applying PUKACO Gel protective coating, remember that the quantity, whether 1 or 10 layers, is not crucial. What matters is applying the necessary number of layers to ensure maximum protection for your wall surface.